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Collection: Section - Postsecondary Table

Data Elements

Element Narrative
Academic Year A year-long period of time that makes up the academic calendar.
Budget Support Method of financial support to the course offered by the institution.
Classification of Instructional Programs Code Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes provide a scheme to identify instructional program specialties. It will support the accurate tracking, assessment, and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity.
Cooperative Course Course offered jointly by two or more postsecondary institutions. While the course is combined, students enroll and receive credit from their own institution.
Course Location Location where a course is offered.
Course Number The official reference number portion of a course identifier. This number normally designates the level of the course as well as the level of the individual expected to enroll in the course.
Course Reference Number A unique number created by the institution to identify individual sections of courses offered by the institution.
Course Type Type of course.
Delivery Method Method the course is delivered to the institution.
Dual Credit Course A section of a course set up specifically to be taken by high school student for the option of simultaneously earning high School and college credits.
Institution ID Postsecondary Institution ID
Instruction Type Course's instruction type.
Master Course Reference Number A unique number created by the institution to identify individual sections of courses offered by the institution.
Remedial Course Course is identified by the institutional as remedial. The information covered is below postsecondary level and usually doesn't count towards graduation requirements.
Section Number The number assigned to differentiate among distinct occurrences of courses that have the same course subject and number but are considered to be different courses.
Section Title The name or title of the course taken by a student at an academic institution.
Subject The description of the academic content or subject area
Term The period of time that the institution holds academic classes.
Term End Date The date a course ends.
Term Start Date The date a course starts.

Business Rules

Rule Narrative
Budget Support Values are state, professional technical education, self support, and other funding.
Cooperative Course Values are yes or no.
Course Location Examples include main campus, branch campus, high school, etc.
Course Number Usually distinguishes between remedial, lower, upper, and graduate level courses
Course Type Values are academic or technical.
Delivery Method Values are traditional (students is in same room as instructor), remote (student is not in the same room as the instructor), and hybrid (a combination of traditional and remote).
Dual Credit Course Values are yes or no.
Institution ID Must be the IPEDS assigned code for the institution
Instruction Type Examples include: lab, lecture, etc.
Master Course Reference Number Consists of the Academic Year + Term + Institution ID + Course Reference Number.
Remedial Course Values are yes or no.
Section Number Alphanumeric
Section Title Alphanumeric
Subject Examples include arts, mathematics, science, etc.
Term Values are Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.
Term End Date Format of YYYMMDD
Term Start Date Format of YYYMMDD

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