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Collection: Registration - Postsecondary Table

Data Elements

Element Narrative
Credit Hours - Course Credit hours assigned to a course.
Credits Earned - Course The number of credits an individual earns by the successful completion of a course.
Dual Credit Registration A high school student is enrolled in the course for both high school and postsecondary credit.
Early College A current high school student who is enrolled in a postsecondary course for only postsecondary credit.
Grade Alpha Alphabetic grade given to a student for a course completion.
Grade Numeric Numerical value given to a Grade Alpha.
Grade Numeric Possible Maximum numerical value given to the highest grade.
Master Course Reference Number A unique number created by the institution to identify individual sections of courses offered by the institution.
Quality Points - Course The numerical value assigned to a course's letter grade to provide a basis to calculate GPA.
Student ID - Postsecondary SLDS A unique number assigned to a student through the Education Unique ID (EDUID) system

Business Rules

Rule Narrative
Credit Hours - Course Numerical
Credits Earned - Course Numerical
Dual Credit Registration Values are yes or no.
Grade Alpha Alphanumeric
Master Course Reference Number Consists of the Academic Year + Term + Institution ID + Course Reference Number.
Quality Points - Course Numerical

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