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Collection: PTE Results - Postsecondary Table

Data Elements

Element Narrative
ABE Completer Participant completed an Adult Basic Education Program through institution. Completion is defined as having demonstrated measurable improvement in literacy and/or math skills, as determined by approved assessment tools. (ABE)
Academic Year A year-long period of time that makes up the academic calendar.
Award Category Code (ACAT) This code identifies the level of the degree or certificate the student was awarded.
Award Date The year, month and day on which the academic award was conferred.
Industry recognized credential Individual has been awarded one or more industry recognized credential or certificate.
Institution ID Postsecondary Institution ID
Post completion status Data reported from the student to the institution regarding post completion activity.
SkillStack Badges Individual has been awarded one or more micro certifications/badges through Idaho SkillStack that resulted in the award of postsecondary credit meeting graduation requirements.
Student ID - Postsecondary SLDS A unique number assigned to a student through the Education Unique ID (EDUID) system
Term The period of time that the institution holds academic classes.

Business Rules

Rule Narrative
ABE Completer Field is not currently being collected.
Award Category Code (ACAT) ACAT are integers between the value of 1 and 19. Higher numbers are related to higher level of degrees.
Award Date Format of YYYYMMDD
Industry recognized credential Field is not currently being collected.
Institution ID Must be the IPEDS assigned code for the institution
Post completion status Field is not currently being collected.
PTE Results - Postsecondary Table Table is not currently being collected.
SkillStack Badges Field is not currently being collected.
Term Values are Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.

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