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Collection: Financial Aid Status - Postsecondary Table

Data Elements

Element Narrative
Academic Year A year-long period of time that makes up the academic calendar.
Central Processing System Received Date Data student's FAFSA data was received by the Central Processing System (CPS).
Cost of Attendance The total amount institutions estimate that undergraduate-level full-time, first-time degree-seeking students will pay to attend before financial aid is considered. This price includes tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, and certain other designated expenses such as transportation. These estimates are the average amounts used by the financial aid office to determine a student?s financial aid.
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) EFC is utilized to determine how much the student and/or their family can contribute towards their postsecondary education. The result is used to determine financial need.
FAFSA Status Student's Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) status.
Father's Level of Education The highest level of education attained by a person's father or paternal guardian
Financial Aid Year The academic year as defined by the academic institution for the distribution of financial aid.
Institution ID Postsecondary Institution ID
Met Priority Date The student's FAFSA information was entered early enough to meet the priority date.
Mother's Level of Education The highest level of education attained by a person's mother or maternal guardian
Qualifies for Needs Based Aid The postsecondary institution has determined that the student qualifies for needs based financial aid.
Student ID - Postsecondary SLDS A unique number assigned to a student through the Education Unique ID (EDUID) system
Trailing Summer A yes or no flag identifying if the summer academic term is at the end of the post-secondary institution's academic calendar.

Business Rules

Rule Narrative
Central Processing System Received Date Format of YYYYMM
Cost of Attendance As defined by PELL. Value is for full year - full time (fall/spring).
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Numerical
FAFSA Status Values are no FAFSA, FAFSA is official, and FAFSA selected for verification.
Father's Level of Education Values are junior high, high school, college, and other/unknown.
Institution ID Must be the IPEDS assigned code for the institution
Met Priority Date Values are yes or no.
Mother's Level of Education Values are junior high, high school, college, and other/unknown.
Qualifies for Needs Based Aid Values are yes, no, or undetermined.

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